Metta Brahmavihara Bhavana Loving-kindness Meditation
บทสวดเมตตาพรหมวิหารภาวนา แบบย่อ
這是來自南傳大藏經小部 無礙解道 俱存品 第四 慈論 慈經偈,
祈願聽聞者 閤家安樂!
1. 影片中巴利文之puggala 補特伽羅 ,在大藏經裡指的是人。
2. 影片中巴利文之 puriso 指的是男性。
3. 影片中巴利文之 itthiyo 指的是女性。
This is sutta is extraced from Tipitaka, Khuddakanikāyo, Paṭisambhidāmaggo, Mettākathā.
It was a technique of cultivating loving-kindness meditation taught by the Buddha.
It is frequently rected and chanted at temples in Thailand. It is also often taught by masters in instructing how to cultivate loving-kindness.
The chant of this video is based on anurakdhamma. I added the background sound of bird hymns.
The purpose is for listeners/readers to experience, comprehend, and image the time of the Buddha's preaching.
Listeners/readers can feel like sitting in Jeta's Grove, .Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery, listening the Buddha's loving and wise words.
May anyone who listen to this great chating be happy!